Grammar in a nutshell

“To Be” – Now (nu)

I am at the beach
You are at the beach
He/She/It is at the beach (SHIT-rule)
You are at the beach
We are at the beach
They are at the beach

“To Be” – in the Past (verleden tijd)

I was at the beach
You were at the beach
He/She/It was at the beach (SHIT-rule)
You were at the beach
We were at the beach
They were at the beach

“To Have” – Now (nu)

I have a cat
You have a cat
He/She/It has a cat
You have a cat
We have a cat
They have a cat

“To Have” – in the Past (verleden tijd)

I had a cat
You had a cat
He/She/It had a cat
You had a cat
We had a cat
They had a cat

A and An (so confusing)

a job (medeklinker)
a nurse (medeklinker)
a wallet (medeklinker)
a cat (medeklinker)

a unicorn (the -u- sounds like a -j-)
a uniform (the -u- sounds like a -j-)

an eagle (klinker)
an idiot (klinker)
an egg (klinker)
an army (klinker)
an elevator (klinker)
an elephant (klinker)

Prepositions (voorzetsels)

The cat sits in front of a TV                        (De kat zit voor de TV)
The dog is next to the microwave            (De hond is naast de magnetron)
The girl is at the supermarket                  (Het meisje is bij de supermarkt)
The boy is behind the tree                         (De jongen staat achter de boom)
Melanie is at school                                    (Melanie is op school)
Kevin hide himself inside a closet           (Kevin heeft zich verstopt in de kast)