Free assignment

In the free assignment you get to pick a medium that you like and write a review on it. This can be anything from the list below. If you want to use something that is not on the list, contact your teacher. 

The introduction and describe a scene are there to help you think about the medium that you have chosen and will help you write a review. A review is meant to give people who are unfamiliar with the medium a change to see what it is about and if it is any good. 

Step 1 – Pick a medium: 

Pick something from this list. Make sure it is something that you like! It will make writing about it easier. 

-Poem – book – graphic novel – comic – documentary – television series- 

Step 2 – Think about your medium: 


1. Why have you chosen this medium? 

2. Explain (in your own words) what the story is about. 

3. Explain the story using only 3 words (example: Harry Potter: friendship, magic and growing up) 

Describe a scene 

1. Pick a scene from your medium that you like. Describe what happens. 

2. Why did you pick this scene (What makes it so special)? 

3. It this scene important to the story? Explain why. 

Step 3 – Review (you may use what you have written in step 2): 

Write a short review about your chosen work. The review must have the following points and consist of at least 250 words: 

1. Name 1 positive and 1 negative about the work. Explain why you think they are positive/negative. 

2. How would you rate this work? Explain why. 

3. Do you like it? Explain your answer. 

4. Why should/shouldn’t someone else see this work. Give your recommendations. 


Please make good use of these helpful links

How to write a review

How to write opinions

Practice and example review

Want to know how your teacher will decide on your mark? Please refer to the rubric on the downloads page.